Holder + clear cover

6598, normOTO - fuse


- Sn plated fuse receptacles, reeled or loose
- Stackable, to create multi-position holder
- Clear cover optional
- Vertical insertion of fuse receptacles

Ref. Description
012|6598|00 body PA66, vertical, 1 position
012|6599|00 cover translucent white
011|8035|02 contact (CuZn30) 1.0-2.5mm², reeled
010|8036|00 contact (CuZn30) 1.0-2.5mm², loose
030|6598|00 assembled with 2 vertical tab contacts

Crimping information
Wire range: 1.0 - 2.5mm²
Maximum insulator diameter: 4.3mm

fuse holder suited for normOTO blade fuse up to 30A.

Reference Description Material Note
030|6598|00 single holder PA66 GF30 black
010|8036|00 Tab connect 2 contacts CuZn pre-assembled included
012|6598|00 holder body PA66 GF30 black
011|8035|02 crimp contact on coil CuZn30 Sn plate
010|8035|01 crimp contact on coil CuZn30 Sn plate
012|6599|00 single cover PE semi transparent


The E.M.L. LTD founded in 1991 by Carlo Tibiletti, is a company that operates mainly in the field of Automotive Market and supplier of major car and motorcycle national companies.

It is specialized over time and by simple transformer / assembler, has become autonomous in the development, design and production of electromechanical components and connection systems.

The company is located in Casale Litta (VA), in a building owned by 1200 square meters.

It is in possession of the ISO 9001:2015 certification awarded by the institution Bureaus VERITAS


Here you can find fuseholders for normOTO and miniOTO fuseholders.

Casale Litta

sede di Casale Litta


via Galliani, 64/A
21020 Casale Litta (Varese)

TEL. 0332 967278
FAX. 0332 967290

VAT N 02204100123